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MME231  Materials Thermodynamics
3.00 Credit Hours        300 Marks

05 July 2014 Term

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Course Tutor
Dr. A. K. M. Bazlur Rashid
Professor, MME Department, BUET

Course Level
Term three (of 8-term programme)

Wednesdays (03:00 - 04:50 pm)
Room - OAB245B

Brief Course Description
Reviews of the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic variables and relations. Equilibrium in thermodynamic systems. Statistical thermodynamics. Unary heterogeneous systems. Multicomponent, homogeneous nonreacting systems - solutions. Multicomponent heterogeneous systems. Thermodynamics of phase diagrams. Multicomponent, multiphase reacting systems. Thermodynamics of interfaces. Equilibrium in continuous systems. The thermodynamics of electrolysis. Application of thermodynamic principles to materials processing.

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Last updated:  07 July 2014