MME 6106 Advanced Thermodynamics

Graduate Course     3.00 Credit Hours

October 2018 Term

Lecture Notes

Chapter 1:  Introduction
Lec01   Introduction and basic concepts
Chapter 2:  Fundamental Principles and Equations
Lec02   Closed systems 1 (First Law)
Lec03   Closed systems 2 (Second and Third Laws)
Lec04   Closed systems 3 (Application to stability of phases; Problems)
Lec05   Open systems 1 (First Law for open system; Chemical potential)
Lec06   Open systems 2 (Extensive properties; Partial molar properties)
Lec07   Open systems 3 (Conditions for equilibrium in heterogeneous systems; Problems)
Chapter 3:  Stability
Lec08   Stability 1 (Stable and unstable equilibria; Stability conditions; Stability criteria)
Lec09   Stability 2 (Spinodal line and critical point)
Lec10   Stability 3 (Stability functions; Applications; Problems)
Chapter 4:  Chemical Reactions
Lec11   Case of a single chemical reaction; Le-Chatelier-Braun Principle
Lec12   Application to some important metallurgical equilibria; Problems
Chapter 5:  Thermodynamics of Binary Metallic Solutions
Lec13   Dilute solution; Use of polynomials across the composition range
Lec14   Composition coordinates and standard states; Interaction coefficients
Lec15   Applications to chemical reactions; Problems
Chapter 6:  Thermodynamics of Phase Diagrams
Lec16   Regular solution model – a review; Free energy - comosition diagrams
Lec17   Thermodynamic model for binary phase diagrams; Problems
Chapter 7:  Surfaces and Interfaces
Lec18   Gibbs surface model; Equilibrium conditions for curved interface
Lec19   Surface effects in heterogeneous phase equilibria
Lec20   Equilibrium shape of crystals; Adsorption; Problems
Chapter 8:  Statistical Thermodynamics
Lec21   Fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics
Lec22   Development and applications of quantum mechanics
Lec23   Application of statistical thermodynamics to materials system 1
Lec24   Application of statistical thermodynamics to materials system 2